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A spike immunity method of digital integrating radiometer signals
Vladimir N. Chernenkov
A spike immunity method of digital integrating radiometer signals in the
jamming environment is described. The certain integrating algorithm
selection is adaptively made. The purpose of the method is real-time
signal processing, and the basic is an alternative selection of the least
offset signal estimation using nonparametric "Nearest Neighbor" rule. It is
assumed that the signal has a single mode probability distribution, close to
normal. The additive spike-like jam makes the "tails" of the distribution
"heavier" which leads
to different offsets for linear and rank mean estimation on the integrating
interval. The integrating interval is chosen significantly less than double
bandwidth of antenna system and radiometer. For the given assumption of the
sorts of signal and jam the method works faster and delivers better
efficiency as compared to well known rank estimations. The extra correlation
of the subsequent samples does not exceed 16%.
The results of the numerical modeling and experimental method testing are
given. The results show the improvement of the radiometer sensitivity by
about 20--25%.
Vladimir Chernenkov
Mon May 5 14:52:38 MSD 1997