Olga Maryeva
About Me
In 2003 I finished Arkhyz high school and enrolled in a physical division of
Physics and Mathematics Faculty of the Stavropol State University. In 2008,
I graduated from the University and entered postgraduate studies under
Professor Vladimir E. Panchuk.
Since 2006 I have been doing research on the most luminous stars.
Since November 2011 I have been working as a trainee researcher in the
Astrospectroscopy Laboratory of
Special Astrophysical Observatory, Russian Academy of Sciences.
Scientific interests
- Stellar Astrophysics
- Evolution of massive stars
- Spectroscopy
- Software for data analysis
My career
- 2003-2008 Student at Stavropol State University, Department of Physics and Mathematics, specialization
- 2006-2008 Trainee researcher in Special Astrophysical Observatory RAS
- 2008-2011 PhD student, Stavropol State University, supervisor Professor Vladimir Panchuk
- Since 2011 Researcher in Laboratory of Astrospectroscopy in SAO RAS
List of papers in refereed journals:
Abolmasov P., Maryeva O., Burenkov A.N. “The Eastern filament of W50”, 331, №4, 412-419, Astronomische Nachrichten (2010)
Maryeva O.V., Abolmasov P.K. “Spectral variability of Romano’s star”, 46, 279-290, Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica (2010)
Maryeva O.V., Abolmasov P.K. “Modeling the optical spectrum of Romano's star”, 419, 1455-1464, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (MNRAS), (2012)
Maryeva O.V., Abolmasov P.K. “Spectral Study of the late nitrogen-sequence Wolf-Rayet Star FSZ35 in M33”, 421, 1189-1195, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (MNRAS) (2012)
Maryeva O.V., Zhuchkov R.Ya. “Medium resolution optical spectroscopy of the supergiant O3If Cyg OB2 №7'', 55, №3, 371-376, Astrophysics (2012)
Maryeva O.V., Klochkova V.G., Chentsov E.L., “Modeling of a spectrum of supergiant Cyg OB2 №7”, 68, 1, 87-100, Astrophysical Bulletin (2013)
Maryeva O.V. “Modeling Hydrogen-Rich Wolf-Rayet Stars in M33”, 28, 1, 35-42, Astronomical and Astrophysical Transaction (AapTr) (2013)
Maryeva O.V., Afanasiev V.L., Panchuk V.E., “Study of the late nitrogen-sequence Galactic Wolf–Rayet star WR156.
Spectropolarimetry and modeling”, 25, 27-31, New Astronomy (2013)
Maryeva Olga, Zhuchkov Roman, Malogolovets Eugene “”Investigation of Cyg OB2 #11(O5 Ifc) by Modelling its Atmosphere”, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, №31, e020, (2014), arXiv:1403.2771
Maryeva Olga “The half-century history of studies of Romano's star”, Baltic Astronomy, 23, 248-254, (2014), arXiv:1411.2662
List of papers in non-refereed journals and in proceedings of conferences:
Maryeva O.V. ``Modeling atmospheres of Wolf-Rayet stars'', vol. 17, issue 6, 908-909, Review of Applied and Industrial Mathematics, (2010)
Maryeva O.V. , Sholukhova O.N. ``Spectroscopy of the object V532 in M33 galaxy'', Proceedings of 53th Scientific Conference of Teachers and Students at Stavropol State University ``University science to Region'', Stavropol, 2008. 252-254.
Klochkova V.G., Maryeva O.V. , Panchuk V.E., Yushkin M.V. ``Polarimetry of Hot Stars with Circumstellar Envelope: effect of the spectral bandwidth'', Proceedings of 54th Scientific Conference of Teachers and Students at Stavropol State University ``University science to Region'', Stavropol, 2009, 105-107.
Maryeva O.V. "Spectral variability of the LBV star V532 in M33", YSC'16 Proceedings of Contributed Papers (eds. Choliy V.Ya., Ivashenko G.) pp.21-24 (2009)
Maryeva O.V., Abolmasov P.K. “Modeling the optical spectrum of Romano's star in Minimum Brigtness”, vol.23 pp.79-83, Odessa Astronomical Publications, (2010)
Марьева О.В., “Моделирование спектра сверхгиганта O3 If* Cyg OB2 №7”, принята в Известия КрАО
Maryeva, O. V., Klochkova, V. G., Chentsov, E. L. “Modeling of atmospheres of the brightest stars belonging to the Cyg OB2 association”, Proceedings of Conference ``Massive Stars: From alpha to Omega'', (2013), arXiv:1309.4495
Maryeva Olga ``Spectropolarimetry and modeling of WR156'', Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium ``New windows on massive stars: asteroseismology, interferometry, and spectropolarimetry'', 307, 387-388, (2015)
Maryeva Olga ``Investigation of the brightest stars in the Cyg OB2 association'', Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium ``New windows on massive stars: asteroseismology, interferometry, and spectropolarimetry'', 307, 119-120, (2015)
My university thesis (Stavropol State University, 2008)
Some posters presented by me at conferences:
``Природа восточного оптического волокна W50'', (всероссийская
конференция "Астрофизика высоких энергий сегодня и завтра",
Россия, Москва, 2008)
``Modeling Hydrogen-Rich Wolf-Rayet Stars in M33''
(European Week of Astronomy and Space Science, JENAM,
Russia, Saint Petersburg, 2011)
``Modeling the optical spectrum of Romano's star'',
("A Workshop on Outstanding Problems in Massive
Star Research - the final stages", USA, Saint Paul,
Minnesota, 2012 )
``Modeling of atmospheres of the brightest stars belonging to
the Cyg OB2 association'',(conference "Massive Stars: From
α to Ω", Greece, Rhodes, 2013 )
``Spectropolarimetry and modeling of WR156'', (IAU Symposium ``New windows on massive stars: asteroseismology, interferometry, and spectropolarimetry'', Switzerland, Geneva, 2014)
``Investigation of the brightest stars in the Cyg OB2 association'', (IAU Symposium ``New windows on massive stars: asteroseismology, interferometry, and spectropolarimetry'', Switzerland, Geneva, 2014)