1968 | J.Silk predictions for protogalaxies | Anisotropy by factor 10 less than predicted |
1969 | M.Rees prediction for polarization of CMB | At small scales polarization less than 0.001% |
1973 | Ya.Zeldovich pankaces and Daucourt grav. noise predictions | less than predicted |
1975 | 3 Russian approaches: adiabatic, vector and tensor type perturbations | Anisotropy by factor 3-5 less than all the predictions |
1980 | Neutrino Universe prediction based on Moscow University neutrino mass estimates | Better agreement, but less than predicted by factor 2 even for very late epoch of the galaxies formation |
1995 |
Check of Inflation predictions | Discovery of strong extra noise at horizon scales but difficult to interpret ("Experiment Cold", Parijskij, Korolkov, 1986; all references may be found there connected with CMBA experiments made by PROJECT group in 1968-1986). |
1997 | Spectrum of the CMBA | First strong confirmation of the Black Body spectrum of CMBA at sub-degrees scales by comparison of the RATAN-600 longest wavelengths (7.6cm) measurements with SK and MSAM results at MM waves ("Dark Ages of the Universe", Parijskij et al, 1998) |
1997- | Development of the "Sakharov oscillations" ("Cosmological Gene") project at RATAN-600 using near field zone atmosphere filtration theory | New information on the small scale Galactic noise which extends the Galactic Window to 30 GHz. The beginning of the next generation RATAN-600CMBA project |